Health Services

Mrs. Landrud, RN
973-827-4775 ext. 504
973-827-3624 fax

Health Office Website

The Health office is located directly across from the main office. Mrs. Landrud works closely with administration, staff, parents, and students to promote optimal health, safety and well being.

Please note the following guidelines to help ensure a healthy school environment for all:

  • If your child has had a fever over 100 degrees, has had diarrhea or been vomiting, please keep him or her home until they are free of illness for 24 hours. This will allow your child to rest and recover while helping to keep the other students and staff healthy.
  • Please keep the health office up-to-date with emergency contact numbers. This is critical, especially in the event of an illness, injury or emergency.
  • Please advise the nurse of any drug prescribed for your child by his/her physician since it may affect his/her behavior or have other significant side effects.
  • Also, please notify the health office if your child has had any changes in his/her health status (surgery, injury, concussion, emotional concerns, etc).
  • Any medication to be given in school, including over the counter medications, must be prescribed by a physician and have parental or guardian permission. Medication must be brought to school by a parent or guardian in its original, labeled container. All medication must be picked up by an adult by the last day of the school year otherwise it will be discarded.
  • Contagious diseases and skin conditions need to be cleared in writing by your child’s physician before he or she may return to school.
  • With a diagnosis of Strep throat, your child is not to return to school until they have been on medication for 24 hours and have a note from their physician.
  • As part of our health services program, screenings include: height/weight/BMI measurements, blood pressure, hearing, vision and scoliosis (grades 5th and 7th). If any of these screenings are not within normal limits, a referral form will be sent home. Kindly use this form when following up with your physician and return to the health office when complete. If you have a concern or observation regarding your child (i.e. holding a book too close), please do not hesitate to call the health office.